Sunday, January 09, 2011

Dothan Trip

Dothan, Alabama has quickly become a new home away from home for me (Erika), and what a restful 12 days we had with Steve and Cindy in their home.  Mornings were spent sleeping in late and then making a brunch while watching HGTV, TLC's Cake Boss, or working out on the Gazelle.  Just having time to do life with the sweet Strickland's really got Will and me emotionally, spiritually, and physically ready for 2011.

Creativity is born with children.  Anna Kate and I had so much fun playing with some old toys that I used to play with while growing up.  Do you remember the brightly colored star shaped plastic toys--each arm has a little ball.  I connected them together to make this little person about as tall as AK.  She loved it, giving him hugs and kisses.  She is getting so big and soon she'll be 2!!! 

One night at home, I (Will) decided to finally try a few photography tricks that I had been wanting to do.  The above one is just one of MANY pictures that I took using homemade stencils (my brother in law made this one) that were placed directly on my lens while I purposely took blurry pictures of twinkle lights.  The result is that each tiny blurry light takes on the shape of whatever the stencil is.  So much fun!

The next three pictures were just some light painting fun that we had.


 Getting to see old friends is always a favorite part of Christmas!

Here's a picture of our updated missions board at Dothan Christian Fellowship.
We were blessed to be able to lead worship here while at home 
and always enjoy being reunited with this family.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I will do my very best to exceed your expectations of my abilities.


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