Saturday, September 25, 2010

it's been long, but we're back

so I've been working really hard today on this blog.  I figure this is sort of a way to keep my artistic skills up to date.  how did I do?  it's fun, but I realize it is totally consuming.  today I have been just wishing I could somehow document my life so I realize how blessed I am by lovely friends, good food, music, art, and a fulfilling job.  i realize that I can not give you a full picture of what that looks like.  I can not even begin to catch you up to what has been going on.  we sort of fell off the map for 6 months.  i guess that is what a new marriage will do.  we just stare into each other's eyes all day instead of eating and breathing.  ahhhh.   well, as nice as that sounds we did a little of that a little of setting in to life.  We have had non stop visitors this summer.  It was wonderful and exhausting.  We are taking a long break from full time hospitality for a while. 


  1. I love seeing you guys back online, hehe! As the blog-nerd I am, I know it can be consuming, but also a great way to express oneself. Keep it up, it looks really good:)

    Take time to rest, that sounds good!
    Lots of love

  2. The result looks good, I like it :)


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